Sunday, August 16, 2015

01 - A Purist

|<< |< | CHAPTER 01 | >| >>|
|<< |< | CHAPTER 01 | >| >>|

Okay, so here's the story. I had no idea what I was doing when I first started this comic. I came up with these characters years ago, but at the time when I started on this first page I hadn't previously been planning a whole series. Hence why this page kinda looks like crap compared to later pages. At the time I'd been getting pretty rusty at drawing in general, to boot. So I went back and added some groovy retro-looking filters and gave this opening the designation of Riley SD (Standard Definition) as opposed to any part of the current Advanced saga.

Long story short, if you're here at the beginning, please bear with me - it gets better, I promise! On with the show.