Sunday, October 16, 2016



  1. Did I mention how I love and hate your dog puns all over this world? No? Okaay just checking. Keep up the glorious puns. XD

    Also I completely forgot to ask back on the given page, but on page #56 why is Riley trying to hit on Anita by speaking Russian(or whichever Cyrillic language that was) and why does that get translated to german? O_o

    1. Puns: Delightfully terrible!

      Riley kinda romanticizes Anita as some sort of sassy Soviet-era policewoman, simply because she's of Siberian husky descent. He had previously memorized some Russian greetings just for that reason, and in this case he says "Hey there, officer!" The translation into German was probably a mix-up at our Foreign Relations department... Actually, I just wanted it to be a salute to our German-speaking fans :D

      Thank you very much again for reading and commenting!

    2. He called her an "officer" in Russian? Funny, the German translation called her a "meter maid" instead...

    3. Lol! I was originally going to use the word "Polizisten" for "Policewoman", but a Swiss friend of mine suggested "Politesse". (You can tell that I'm not fluent in German, far from it.)

      It is appropriate though. Anita has aspirations of becoming a full-fledged cop, though she is currently limited to campus security duties due to a long-standing feud between local governing bodies and her family.

      ...I SWEAR I came up with all this before I ever saw Zootopia.

    4. To be honest, Swiss German is probably more different to "regular" German than American English is to Australian English... Maybe the word for "policewoman" is also different? (but I can't verify this, because I can't seem to find any Swiss German dictionaries anywhere)

      Also, I just realized:
      In German, Riley's full name translates to "Riley of (the) garden". German last name, because he's a German shepherd?

      Also, do the dog puns extend to other languages in the comic's world, or just English?

    5. Heh, could be!

      As for the name 'Van Garten', in the future someone will comment on it sounding more Dutch than German, though it could also pass for a German name. There's some backstory behind it, I don't want to give too much away just yet, but I can tell you that it's not his birth-name ;)

      Ans as for the dog puns, I try to keep them pretty universal. There won't be as many in other languages simply because I'm not much of a linguist, but there will be some. So far I've kept most of the wordplay to proper names (NewsWag, Pettsburgh, Z.Z. Pup).
