Sunday, January 22, 2017



  1. Nice, the comic's back.

    - The canine garden gnome is just adorable. Know any place I could get one for real? Or I could just try turning a block of modeling clay that I had lying around for years into one...

    - (regarding the previous page that I kept putting off commenting on for reasons unknown even to me): Riley's phone is WiFi only? I have one of those, but I usually just refer to it as a tablet. Does he think it's an actual phone?

    - Does it say something on the earphones? It looks like there are letters there, but I can't quite make them out...

    - I thought you said that the Spots have the same names as real states?

    - "Pete's Za" and "Puppy John's"? Great names.

    - I wonder what exactly do dogs use for sniffing contraband at airports?

    - The ceiling on that airplane looks rather high. Or is the headphone wearing passenger just that small?

  2. Ah Torchfire, welcome back!

    1) Ah yes, the canine garden gnome I am rather fond of. Within this universe it may be a reference to something from Koboldemon, but outside of that, the closest thing I could find was this:[]=15023775&source=hotdeals

    Could be a big thing, though!

    2) Riley's phone is, in fact, a regular mobile phone. It had been activated at one point, but due to a lack of funds, has since been de-activated and restricted to Wifi. Since he spends most of his time on and around a college campus, this is often not a problem. Plus, it has sentimental value - it contains some curious data that may or may not be connected to Riley's missing birth parents. But that will be explained later.

    3) Yes, the headphones say "Bonez" on them. They're quite stylish at this point in time.

    4) Yes, the United Spots still do have the same names as their Earth equivalents... but I just couldn't resist the temptation to make this joke! Perhaps the people of Bourder Colorado refer to their own state as Collirado just to make the joke work.

    5) Thank you very much, I love those pizza delivery franchises as well! Though I'm personally a fan of Pizza Mutt.

    6) As for contraband sniffing, I'm glad you asked, because I actually had intended on explaining that towards the end of the previous chapter, but ran out of time. The canine race employes primates such as lemurs or occasionally baboons as police assistance animals. As Earth as "K9" police units, they have "PRIM8" units.

    7) He is a young teen, hence the very hip brand of headphones. Although admittedly you're right - the proportion is a little bit off, there. I'm still not very good at drawing perspective. But thank you for noticing!
