Sunday, November 6, 2016



  1. - I've been thinking about this for a while, and wouldn't the "rocket" cooking method just cause the food to be carbonized on the outside, while keeping the insides still raw?

    - Just how does she intend on landing with her rocket pack? Also, she could only have enough fuel for a few seconds of flight in the rocket on her back...

    - Just how many surprises did she "cook up" that she plans on showing off with? We've seen the robot and not the rocket pack, but I doubt that's every trick she brought to the event...

    - Her claws are white on her right hand (paw?), but black on the left. Intentional? (I had a dog once that had both white and black claws on different digits - Is this the same thing?)

    - I take it she really loves Xena, the way she screams like that)... (Question: if Xena exists in the comic's world, which other popular TV shows also exist there? And how are they different from the shows in our world? Also, what kind of dog is the comic's Xena?)

    1. Ah, let's see.

      The flow pattern and rate of the rocket flame is actually very meticulously calibrated, resulting in a scientifically controlled burn. With science! (Also with many years of trial and error.)

      As for Bea's equimpent, the complete ensemble consists of Steely Nick, its control-wands, the Valkyrie Suit (wings and propulsion unit seen above) and its accompanying flame throwers. So basically not much that you haven't seen so far. I don't want to give too much away, but I will mention that she has some outside help, that may or may not be related to her equipment itself.

      The two-tone claws are not exactly intentional, even though it would go with the theme of her hair and facial markings. But it's not really an accident either. I generally draw the claws uncolored to signify a glare on them, rather than the color of the claws themselves. In this case the glare on one paw shines through while the others are shaded by the ambient darkness (I've been on a bit of a time crunch lately in drawing these pages fast enough to post them weekly, so there are a few things on any given page I might have overlooked.)

      And she isn't exactly a Xena fan, per se, as there is no such ficticious character. She is however a fan of Yena, Warrior Princess, an African painted wolf of the city of Arfipolis who is frequently mistaken for a hyena. But that's all retro stuff at this point. I suppose as of late the most popular series have been the Big Bark Theory, Sherlick, Greyhound's Anatomy, and Bojack Horseman. (who knew?)

      For everything else... stay tuned!

    2. At mentioning "Sherlick", did you know that there was an actual anime series made about Sherlock Holmes that depicted the whole cast as anthropomorphic dogs?
      It's called "Sherlock Hound", though in the original (Japanese) audio, the main character is still called "Holmes".

    3. Yes! I've only seen a few episodes but I loved it. I even took some inspiration from the art style :3
